Spring has arrived! The first hike of the year with no jacket and fantastic sunshine. From the first moment of sun streaming on your face while you lay in bed, you know its going to be one of those fantastic Sunshine Coast days. Everything looks better and springs to life in the sun. That amazing deep blue water was back. No gray, no fog, no rain…..just wonderful sunshine. After a morning full of appointments and errands, I hastily made my way to meet the girls for an afternoon on Mount Elphinstone. I haven’t made the group hike for about 2 weeks now, and the excitement of returning was evident. We chatted away the entire time…the sun giving everyone a burst of energy. We chose a familiar path today, Technical Ecstacy to Sidewinder and up to Gibsons Creek. Today wasn’t so much about taking in the wonderful scenery (although it was certainly there).
Today was about catching up, being glad to see each other, and getting a good cardio workout. Before we knew it, we were up the the bridge that crosses Gibsons Creek. Two months ago there were huge icicles hanging on these falls. Today the snowmelt and recent rains made for a great show as the creek swells with water. One of these days, I’ll find out what is on the other side of that bridge. It is a landmark that makes for about a 1 hour roundtrip hike, so it is always our turnaround spot. As the days grow noticeably…sunset is almost 8pm already…I’ll just have to find time for a longer hike and see where this trail goes.
Sometimes I look at the bridges and the bike ramps on the trails and wonder about the diehard volunteers who built them. Think about the effort that it takes to hike in with the equipment…let alone the effort and the vision that it takes to build something like this. How did they decide that this is the spot to cross the creek? The ridge leading up to it is quite steep and offers a great view of the valley below. I’ll just keep admiring their work and seeking out new trails on the mountain. Here is a THANK YOU and a hug to those who build great trails!