Well it took a while, but spring has fully arrived on BC’s Sunshine Coast. April went by so fast with a bit too much rain and cool temps. But here we are with gorgeous sunshine.
I can’t believe 2 full weeks went by without a good hike. You can tell I’m out of practice…I forgot the camera! I managed to get out Friday with some good friendly encouragement and took to the trails on Mt Elphinstone. We came across some significant trail development. A whole new trail appeared in the last 2 weeks since I’ve been on the mountain! We decided to follow it down…serious work was done! So many cutbacks and some serious built up curves for the mountain bikes. This new trail (still unnamed) will be a great ride, but it’s not a trail for a leisurely hike. Lots of up and down for jumps and some serious curves.
When we reached the bottom, we ran into a student and his dad headed up for a ride. We mentioned the new trail, and the student had been involved in building it. Turns out it was the final project for the Capilano University Mountain Bike Program students. They built the entire trail in the last couple of weeks. A rock feature, a water crossing, wooden jumps, and serious reinforced turns belonged to each group of students. Great to see students gaining practical skills and leaving a great gift to our trail system.
There is also a new sign at the entrance to the park announcing “Sprockids Bike Park”. So much to explore….grab you bike (or your hiking boots) and get outside! It won’t be so long till I get back on the trails.