Music in the Landing – June 26, 2011

How does a month go by so fast? I download a bunch of pictures today…that I meant to write about when I took them… Oh well, I am writing now and that is what counts.

Today was a treat of Gibsons in the summer: Music in the Landing. Today was the first performance of the year. Free concerts in the park in Gibsons Landing on weekends all summer long.

First up were the Knotty Dotters. These ladies are a 7 piece marimba bank playing music inspired by Zimbabwe. Always lively, they just make you smile and want to dance.

I have tried to attach a video that I shot during the performance. There may not be sound, but you can still see the energy that these fabulous ladies play with. One of these days, I’ll upgrade my old camera and then maybe I’ll have full video capabilities.

Music in the Landing takes place Friday evenings in the Gazebo down by the government dock. Saturday during the day there is music near the Visitor Information Centre and/or in the space by Sweetwater Bistro. Saturday evening are full concerts in Winegarden Park…perfect for friends & families to bring the chairs/blankets and enjoy. Sunday afternoon concerts are part of the Gibsons Landing Sunday Market.

Don’t miss! Great concerts all summer long…all local performers.

Music in the Landing – July 17, 2010

Aaahhhh, Music in the Landing – one of the true joys of Gibsons BC in the summer. The town and a special donor sponsor free music concerts featuring local musicians just about every weekend in July and August.

Saturday nights are my favourite…a chance to sit back and relax to great music and great views after busy Fridays and Saturdays with guests and participating at the Fiddlehead Farmers Market.

This week was Lynne Dickson and friends. Normally, Lynne & Patrice (pictured here) partner with Wendy to be Definitely Divas…sweet jazz and standards. Tonight the joined with a couple of great guys for some fun music including Gord0n Lightfoot.

Picture yourself taking in a lovely summer evening with this as your view. Yes, all these picks were taken from my comfy lawn chair….all in sight while children play in the grass.

You can also find Music in the Landing on Friday evenings at 7pm in the Gibsons Gazebo, Saturday afternoons in Pioneer Park by the Visitor Information Centre, and Sunday afternoons at the Holland Park Market. Great music…good times…and a chance to meet up with old friends.

Summer at its best!

Thanks so much to Linda & Graham who organize and host Music in the Landing every single week! What would we do without you?

Music in the Landing – July 11, 2009

One of my favourite summer activities is Music in the Landing. Gibsons Landing puts on free concerts in various parks every weekend all summer long. Kick off the weekend on Friday nights at the Gazebo, Saturday afternoon by the Visitor’s Centre, Saturday night by the marina, and Sunday afternoon at the artisan’s market. Every concert features fabulous local talent and the series covers a wide range of musical genres.

Saturday nights are my favourite, as they are a great way to wrap up a long day following the Fiddlehead Farmers’ Market. Tonight’s show (sorry, forgot the camera) featured Chelsea Crawford and Verna Chan each playing 1 hour sets. Winegarden park is next to the marina. You’ll have to imagine sitting by the ocean, watching the boats come in for the evening, with picturesque mountains in the background listening to light jazz. Some people spread out the blanket and have a picnic. Others stroll by with gelato from down the street. Everyone greets their friends and neighbours who have come out for the evening. Kids run freely in the back with plenty of space for tag and other games. By evening, temperatures slip into the 60’s and with a light ocean breeze a jacket or a blanket is required.

What a fabulous way to spend a Saturday night! I can’t wait for next week.

Gibsons Landing Jazz Fest – June 13-14, 2009

Gibsons Landing Jazz Fest is my favourite festival of the year, and there are a lot of community festivals to choose from. Every genre of jazz is covered and there is a mix of great local talent and big names. Jazz week is 7 nights of live jazz in most of Gibsons’s restaurants. Excellent entertainment for the price of a meal.

The official 14th annual Jazz Fest kicked off Friday with Sibel Thrasher backed up by 4 excellent local musicians. Sibel really knows how to entertain and leaves the audience wanting more. A true professional and an inspiring spirit.

Saturday we were blessed with sunshine and 25C for our main event in the park…5 groups and 5 hours of music. Easily the most entertaining of the day was East Vancouver’s Carnival Band.

Endless energy fills this group playing Dixieland Jazz. Not to be limited to the stage, they marched through the park around the audience getting everyone out of there chairs and dancing. In true carnival style, clowns and ringmasters filled their ranks.

Sunday afternoon features free jazz in Winegarden Park for everyone to enjoy. Three hours of jazz from very talented local performers.
Definitely Divas always puts on a great show. Great harmony and energy help them cover a wide variety of tunes, from Bugle Boy of Company B to Sweet Dreams by the Eurythmics.

The final act of the festival was the Elphinstone Jazz Band, from our local high school. This is a very talented group of kids, many of whom have a future in music if they choose.

Winegarden Park is the perfect setting for an outdoor concert. The hill makes for a natural amphitheatre to sit an enjoy the sunshine. And then there is the view….great music with a picture perfect backdrop as we watch boats come and go in the marina.

I can’t wait until next year!