How does a month go by so fast? I download a bunch of pictures today…that I meant to write about when I took them… Oh well, I am writing now and that is what counts.
Today was a treat of Gibsons in the summer: Music in the Landing. Today was the first performance of the year. Free concerts in the park in Gibsons Landing on weekends all summer long.
First up were the Knotty Dotters. These ladies are a 7 piece marimba bank playing music inspired by Zimbabwe. Always lively, they just make you smile and want to dance.
I have tried to attach a video that I shot during the performance. There may not be sound, but you can still see the energy that these fabulous ladies play with. One of these days, I’ll upgrade my old camera and then maybe I’ll have full video capabilities.
Music in the Landing takes place Friday evenings in the Gazebo down by the government dock. Saturday during the day there is music near the Visitor Information Centre and/or in the space by Sweetwater Bistro. Saturday evening are full concerts in Winegarden Park…perfect for friends & families to bring the chairs/blankets and enjoy. Sunday afternoon concerts are part of the Gibsons Landing Sunday Market.
Don’t miss! Great concerts all summer long…all local performers.