It is days like these when I realize that I live in one of the most beautiful places in the world. Mountains, ocean, rainforest, clean freshwater streams, and fresh air all around….on BC’s Sunshine Coast. I woke up to streaming sunshine and decided that today was an exploring day.
I chose one of my favourite hikes:
Soames Hill. I can see the summit of Soames from my kitchen window and love to head up on days to truly enjoy the view. For a change, I chose to challenge myself and head in from Soames Road on Marine Drive. What this means is starting at sea level (or close to it) and heading up for the full 250 meter climb.
Of course this means stopping to catch your breath every once in a while. So I stopped to take a shot of this new bridge, courtesy of SCRD Parks staff. Thank You for the improved safety railings! The smell of freshly cut cedar just adds to the trip.
The lower part of Soames Hill is a winding network of moderate trails through beautiful 2nd growth forest. Many Douglas Firs take 2-3 people to reach around the circumference of a tree.

The top of Soames Hill is what sets it apart from other hiking trails. The views are simply amazing. Today was something special. Like I mentioned, there was full sunshine at my house today. This is not the case for anyone living directly on the Georgia Strait.
Look at the white strip in the middle of the photo. This is a massive cloud bank hovering over the Georgia Strait. You can just see the mountain tops of Vancouver Island sticking up in the background. Gibsons Landing is in the front of the shot.
It was a bizarre seen to sit and watch from above. The photo doesn’t do it justice. Picture a river of lava…bubbling, flowing to the sea. Turn it white, and this is what the fog made me think of seeing it from above. It was a big soft blanket…yet moving in the wind and churning. Big cotton balls of clouds with an uneven surface like a snowbank. I could hear a foghorn in the distance, probably the Nanaimo ferry or another ship hidden in the fog.
I felt blessed to take in this natural wonder and to enjoy a day of sunshine at this end of the Sunshine Coast.