One of my favourite summer activities is Music in the Landing. Gibsons Landing puts on free concerts in various parks every weekend all summer long. Kick off the weekend on Friday nights at the Gazebo, Saturday afternoon by the Visitor’s Centre, Saturday night by the marina, and Sunday afternoon at the artisan’s market. Every concert features fabulous local talent and the series covers a wide range of musical genres.
Saturday nights are my favourite, as they are a great way to wrap up a long day following the Fiddlehead Farmers’ Market. Tonight’s show (sorry, forgot the camera) featured Chelsea Crawford and Verna Chan each playing 1 hour sets. Winegarden park is next to the marina. You’ll have to imagine sitting by the ocean, watching the boats come in for the evening, with picturesque mountains in the background listening to light jazz. Some people spread out the blanket and have a picnic. Others stroll by with gelato from down the street. Everyone greets their friends and neighbours who have come out for the evening. Kids run freely in the back with plenty of space for tag and other games. By evening, temperatures slip into the 60’s and with a light ocean breeze a jacket or a blanket is required.
What a fabulous way to spend a Saturday night! I can’t wait for next week.