Hiking on Mt Elphinstone – Jan 2, 2011

A bright sunny wintery day is the perfect time to explore the forest. This is one of the lower trails on Mt Elphinstone, which is the dominating landscape feature as you arrive on the Langdale ferry from West Vancouver. Lucky for me, the trailheads are only 2km from Arcturus Retreat B&B.

Most of these lower trails are built by avid mountain bikers and neighbor Sprockids Mountain Bike Park. It’s not an official park, so signage isn’t much more than a few reflectors and an occasional arrow for riders.

Nevertheless, there are some amazing trees in this forest. Note the vibrant colour on this tree…like none of its neighbours. That is Stan in front to show you just how large this tree is. So happy to have Stan join me for this hike! I don’t know this area well enough yet to head in alone.
A tree with character like this just makes you wonder at what it has been witness to over the years. It has clearly seen all of the 20th century and I wonder how much more. This forest was logged in the early 1900’s when Europeans first arrived. Port Mellon is only 10km away and was home to the first paper mill in the area.
We came across a trail called “Technical Ecstacy” which we just had to follow. Clearly a mountain bikers dream…lots of cutbacks, bridges, jumps, ramps, twists and turns. It is an easy walk, but you need to pay attention as this was clearly not built with the hiker in mind. A rider could come up quickly and definitely deserves the right of way.

It is hard to see in this picture, but you can see out to the Georgia Straight. It can be a bit dark in the forest, but light flows in at the top of the trees and is really quite a view when you come to an opening.
After travelling over the Christmas holiday, I am very aware of how green the forest is here. Other parts of North America are so brown this time of year with every plant in hibernation waiting for spring. Here on the Sunshine Coast, we are very luck to have green life everywhere all year long. Not only the trees, but the ferns and groundcover and moss all bring life to the forest floor.

Happy New Year 2011!

Happy New Year and welcome 2011! It is a gorgeous sunny day looking out over snow-capped mountains here in Gibsons BC. No wind, not too cold with positive temps, and an all-around pleasant way to start the new year.

The New Year tradition in Gibsons is the Polar Boar Plunge on Armours Beach. Yes, most communities have a Polar Bear Plunge, but in Gibsons it is sponsored by the local rugby club known as the Pigs. Therefore, we have a Polar Boar instead of a Polar Bear.

Lots of brave souls made it out today to enjoy the sunshine and dip their toes in the ocean. Look at the energy of the front runners as they dive into the water.

I always admire the variety of characters who take part in this event. Little kids, teenagers, adults, and seniors gather together and dive in. Everyone is welcome and equal as they line up on the beach for the challenge. Family and friends cheer them on from the safety of the beach and dock. After the swim, the participants gather for soup and hot chocolate while the onlookers take a stroll down the beach.

Maybe some day I will take on this challenge. For now, I prefer to watch and cheer on everyone else.
Here’s to a great year ahead. I don’t usually make new year’s resolutions, but this year I want to do a better job of taking time to value the natural world around me. I want to share all the great hikes, the great days at the beach, and the never ending supply of local festivals. It can all go by so fast if you don’t take time to think about all that has happened.

Best of luck and welcome 2011.

Soames Hill – Aug 10, 2010

I can’t believe 6 months went by since my last hike up Soames Hill. I love this place. From 0 to 250m elevation in about 20 minutes and what an amazing trip.
The trails that wind around the base of the hill are similar to other rainforest trails. Amazingly tall trees, huge ferns, boulders…the sounds of the forest and protection of the trees keep out the busy sounds of the outside world.
206 steps take you straight up and really get your heart beating and blood flowing. It brings you alive as you work your way up.

Then just as soon as you’re a bit winded, you’re at the top and the view takes your breath away. This photo is looking south over Gibsons Harbour with Vancouver Island in the background. There are 3 vantage points at the summit, so be sure to take them all in.
The best part about the quick workout on the ascent is that you are more than happy to sit and relax at the summit. At first it is to get your breath back, but then you just soak in the view and sit in the sun. Linger for a while and just enjoy.

This is looking east at Keats Island with the Paisley islands just behind. Straight on would be the city of Vancouver. It would be interesting to see this at night…you should be able to see all the city lights.
See the huge boat in the harbour? Two tugs took it out into Howe Sound while I rested. So interesting to sit and watch it make the trek.

Forget all your cares. No better way to excercise and de-stress. I won’t let another 6 months go by before I return.

Music in the Landing – July 17, 2010

Aaahhhh, Music in the Landing – one of the true joys of Gibsons BC in the summer. The town and a special donor sponsor free music concerts featuring local musicians just about every weekend in July and August.

Saturday nights are my favourite…a chance to sit back and relax to great music and great views after busy Fridays and Saturdays with guests and participating at the Fiddlehead Farmers Market.

This week was Lynne Dickson and friends. Normally, Lynne & Patrice (pictured here) partner with Wendy to be Definitely Divas…sweet jazz and standards. Tonight the joined with a couple of great guys for some fun music including Gord0n Lightfoot.

Picture yourself taking in a lovely summer evening with this as your view. Yes, all these picks were taken from my comfy lawn chair….all in sight while children play in the grass.

You can also find Music in the Landing on Friday evenings at 7pm in the Gibsons Gazebo, Saturday afternoons in Pioneer Park by the Visitor Information Centre, and Sunday afternoons at the Holland Park Market. Great music…good times…and a chance to meet up with old friends.

Summer at its best!

Thanks so much to Linda & Graham who organize and host Music in the Landing every single week! What would we do without you?

Soames Hill – Feb 22, 2010

Heaven on earth. This was my thought today as I basked in the warm sunshine atop Soames Hill with beauty all around. Simply amazing…I could have stayed for hours ( I did stay 1 hour).

I can’t believe I waited this long to make this hike. Honestly, I was a bit intimidated by the description of 205 wooden steps to the summit. When I first moved here, I wouldn’t have made it to the top. I was in such poor physical shape.

Today I made it up those steps in about 20 minutes…breathing hard, but not tired. Then it is just a bit farther up the trail to the summit. So worth it! I will be back the next sunny day with an extra hour for a workout.

Today was another spectacular day. Glorious sunshine on a warm day. Flowers are blooming and pollen is in the fresh air. It feels like April or May…not February.

The sun was so bright that these first pictures miss the vibrant colour. These are looking south toward Gibsons…what a beautiful village by the sea. In the distance you can just make out Vancouver Island, but it was easy to see in person.

Keats Island. The tug made its way through Howe Sound and home to Gibsons Marina. Think how smooth the water was to create a wake like this from a slow-moving tug boat.

The vibrant blue and green really stand out in the photos facing east and not facing into the sun. Keats Island is in front and Bowen Island is in the distance.

Paradise only 5 minutes from my home….ok 5 minutes and then 30 minutes up to the summit. I hope to spend many more days atop Soames Hill on BC’s spectacular Sunshine Coast.


Gibsons Landing – Feb 8, 2010

Today was an absolutely picture perfect day. The sun was shining, the air was warm (53F/11C), and the excitement around the 2010 Winter Games is building. 4 day to go!

I took the opportunity to wander through Gibsons Landing. You can see that our local shops are getting into the spirit. There are Canadian flags everywhere. You can’t see it well because the sun was so bright, but everyone has red and white Christmas lights up.

What a wonderful town to call home. Don’t forget to go inside and shop! Lots of new spring merchandise in stock.

I LOVE the red maple leafs in front of The Landing Gallery. This gallery displays the work of local artists. One of them got into the spirit and created little wooden maple leafs and “planted” them with the red & white flowers. The new show is great too. Canadian and sport themed pieces highlight the current exhibit.

Music in the Landing – July 11, 2009

One of my favourite summer activities is Music in the Landing. Gibsons Landing puts on free concerts in various parks every weekend all summer long. Kick off the weekend on Friday nights at the Gazebo, Saturday afternoon by the Visitor’s Centre, Saturday night by the marina, and Sunday afternoon at the artisan’s market. Every concert features fabulous local talent and the series covers a wide range of musical genres.

Saturday nights are my favourite, as they are a great way to wrap up a long day following the Fiddlehead Farmers’ Market. Tonight’s show (sorry, forgot the camera) featured Chelsea Crawford and Verna Chan each playing 1 hour sets. Winegarden park is next to the marina. You’ll have to imagine sitting by the ocean, watching the boats come in for the evening, with picturesque mountains in the background listening to light jazz. Some people spread out the blanket and have a picnic. Others stroll by with gelato from down the street. Everyone greets their friends and neighbours who have come out for the evening. Kids run freely in the back with plenty of space for tag and other games. By evening, temperatures slip into the 60’s and with a light ocean breeze a jacket or a blanket is required.

What a fabulous way to spend a Saturday night! I can’t wait for next week.

Gibsons Landing Jazz Fest – June 13-14, 2009

Gibsons Landing Jazz Fest is my favourite festival of the year, and there are a lot of community festivals to choose from. Every genre of jazz is covered and there is a mix of great local talent and big names. Jazz week is 7 nights of live jazz in most of Gibsons’s restaurants. Excellent entertainment for the price of a meal.

The official 14th annual Jazz Fest kicked off Friday with Sibel Thrasher backed up by 4 excellent local musicians. Sibel really knows how to entertain and leaves the audience wanting more. A true professional and an inspiring spirit.

Saturday we were blessed with sunshine and 25C for our main event in the park…5 groups and 5 hours of music. Easily the most entertaining of the day was East Vancouver’s Carnival Band.

Endless energy fills this group playing Dixieland Jazz. Not to be limited to the stage, they marched through the park around the audience getting everyone out of there chairs and dancing. In true carnival style, clowns and ringmasters filled their ranks.

Sunday afternoon features free jazz in Winegarden Park for everyone to enjoy. Three hours of jazz from very talented local performers.
Definitely Divas always puts on a great show. Great harmony and energy help them cover a wide variety of tunes, from Bugle Boy of Company B to Sweet Dreams by the Eurythmics.

The final act of the festival was the Elphinstone Jazz Band, from our local high school. This is a very talented group of kids, many of whom have a future in music if they choose.

Winegarden Park is the perfect setting for an outdoor concert. The hill makes for a natural amphitheatre to sit an enjoy the sunshine. And then there is the view….great music with a picture perfect backdrop as we watch boats come and go in the marina.

I can’t wait until next year!


Gibsons Marina – June 3, 2009

Today was clean air day. To celebrate, we rode free transit into Gibsons after dinner for a leisurly stroll around the marina. A marina full of boats is a sure sign summer has arrived. It is always an interesting stroll to see all the new boats that have arrived and all the different styles. The fishing and prawn boats are always around, but the pleasure craft just get bigger and more numerous.

Note the houseboat in the front of this picture. Yes, the entire house floats year-round and is a regular residence for some lucky person.

Gibsons Marina is a center of activity. Outdoor dining is available at Smitty’s Oyster House, Molly’s Reach and Sita’s Italian. Gramma’s Pub and the Waterfront Restaurant overlook the area as well. Music in the Landing begins in July and offers free concerts in the park on Friday and Saturday nights all summer long.